Last updated on 23 October, 2023


1. SIFA Events Operators

SIFA Events is owned and operated by SIFA Events Pty Ltd (ABN 37 169 659 330) of 122 Cremorne St, Cremorne VIC 3121 (SIFA Events). SIFA Events operates a booking agency and represents various DJs (DJs). Members of the public can make bookings for DJs on its website located at (Website).

2. Application

These terms and conditions (Agreement) apply to all persons (Clients) who book DJs via the Website. By booking a DJ to perform at an event (an Event) via the Website (a Booking), Clients accept and agree to be legally bound by this Agreement. Clients will be referred to as you and Client throughout this Agreement.

3. Variations

SIFA Events reserves the rights to vary the Agreement at any time by providing written notice to Clients.

4. Booking Details

SIFA Events will provide written confirmation of the details of all Bookings via email, text or otherwise in writing (Booking Confirmation). The Booking Confirmation will set out all relevant matters such as DJ’s genre, performance dates and times, performance fees, event details, age details of people attending the event, whether the event is indoor or outdoor, lighting and effects requirements, sound equipment requirements and other special requirements (Booking Details).

5. Choice of DJ & Future Bookings

SIFA Events will use reasonable endeavours to provide the Client with its preferred DJ from the SIFA Event’s roster to perform at the Event. The Client agrees that if their preferred DJ is not available, SIFA Events is entitled in its discretion to provide another suitable DJ to perform at the Event.

The Client agrees that it shall not be permitted to directly contact any DJ provided by SIFA Entertainment to make a booking for a future event. The Client acknowledges that SIFA Events is the exclusive booking SIFA Events of all DJS and the Client agrees that it must contact SIFA Events for all future bookings of all DJs.

6. Changes to Bookings

If you wish to make changes to your Booking Details after receipt of the Booking Confirmation, you must contact SIFA Events. You agree that SIFA Events may not always be able to accommodate changes to Booking Details and reserves the right to cancel a Booking where the Booking Details change.

7. Equipment

Where SIFA Events provides equipment for any Event (Equipment), the Client agrees to take all necessary steps to protect the Equipment and keep it secure. In the event a Client or any person attending the Event damages any Equipment, the Client may be held liable for repair or replacement costs.

8. Booking Costs

You will be required to pay the associated costs for each Booking (including DJ fees, equipment costs and other expenses relating to the Booking), as set out in the relevant Booking Confirmation (Booking Costs). You may be asked to pay a deposit. SIFA Events will provide you with an invoice for all Booking Costs.

The Client must pay all money by electronic funds transfer into the SIFA Events’ nominated bank account as set out on the relevant invoice.

9. Payment Terms

You agree that ‘time is of the essence’ when making payments under this Agreement.

You further agree that you shall be liable for all costs (on a full indemnity basis) incurred by SIFA Events or the DJ, where SIFA Events or the DJ is required to engage a lawyer or other representative of SIFA Events to recover from you for any outstanding monies owing pursuant to this Agreement.

10. Client Obligations

In relation to all Bookings and Events, the Client agrees to do the following:

11. Promotion of Event

SIFA Events grants the Client the right to use the name and professional name, approved photographs and other approved materials of the DJ to promote the Event.

12. Client Cancellation

If the Client cancels a Booking after receipt of the Booking Confirmation, the following cancellation fees apply:

(Cancellation Fees).

The Client agrees to pay all Cancellation Fees within 7 days of receipt of the invoice from SIFA Events for those fees.

13. DJ Standards

SIFA Events expects their DJs performance to be of the highest professional standard. A Client should direct any concern regarding the performance of a DJ at any Event to

14. Client Indemnity

The Client hereby indemnifies SIFA Events from and against all actions, suits, claims, demands, losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including without limitation legal expenses on a full indemnity basis) which may be made or brought against or suffered or incurred by SIFA Events as a result of a breach by the Client of this Agreement.

15. Client Breach

SIFA Events may by providing written notice to the Client and with immediate effect, terminate this Agreement and cancel the Booking for an Event if the Client:

If SIFA Events terminates this Agreement under clause 15, the Client agrees the following fees are payable:

The Client agrees to pay all Termination Fees within 7 days of receipt of an invoice from SIFA Events for those fees.

(Termination Fees).

16. Privacy & Confidential Information

SIFA Events handles the personal information of Clients in accordance with its Privacy Policy.

Clients are required to keep all Confidential Information belonging to SIFA Events and its DJs confidential. Clients may disclose Confidential Information to personal and business advisors and otherwise where required by law.

17. Intellectual Property

All intellectual property created and used by SIFA Events in connection with the Booking including without limitation the SIFA Events trade mark, logos, online booking system, handouts, designs, confidential information and copyrights (SIFA Events IP) is the exclusive property of SIFA Events (or the relevant DJ) and may only be used by Clients with the permission of SIFA Events.

18. Disclaimers

With the exception of Consumer Guarantees, we exclude any term, condition or warranty that may otherwise be implied into this Agreement. Consumer Guarantees shall mean any right or guarantee you may have under the Australian Consumer Law or other rights in relation to the supply of goods or services (such as terms implied into a contract) that cannot lawfully be excluded.

19. Laws

The laws of Victoria, Australia govern this Agreement and any disputes relating to this Agreement must be heard by the courts of Victoria, Australia.