Corporate Titans

Corporate Titans  

Most of the businesses in Australia converge in Sydney and Melbourne with the two cities boasting more than two-thirds of Australia’s economic growth in 2017. The corporate life in the two cities has evolved and reached heights of great finery and class. Amidst this pace of life are events that slow down and give the corporations moments to celebrate.

Choosing the corporate DJ is a task. Much of the make or break of an event rests on making the right call. Will your corporate DJ be on time is the least of your worries! Read ahead and find out what you should do as you hunt up your corporate DJ.

  1. Research – Is the DJ even a corporate DJ or just filling in

The right DJ is a must to ensure the whole event is knitted together and makes sense. You cannot afford tangential surprises! So, make sure you know that the agency houses DJs who have expertise and experience in running corporate events. Family parties and corporate events are worlds apart. AT SIFA events we offer options of DJs in both Sydney and Melbourne catering to your particular requirements.

  1. Homework – Know your event and what you want it to “feel” like

Before you engage a corporate DJ, make sure you and your team are sure what you want your event to “feel” like. That will form the foundation of the music your DJ pulls out and the mood he or she creates. Your being sure will help your DJ perform at the very best which, of course, means an event your guests will remember.

  1. Cost – Do they fall in your budget but more importantly make sure they are worth it

There is no bottomless pit! Manage your budget to cater for all your event requirements from venue rent, refreshments, guests’ souvenirs, corporate DJ, and contingencies. While negotiating with agencies, make sure the DJ in question has the credentials worth your investment. SIFA Events boasts, humbly, great artists and great costs! Check out our website for our DJs and their gigs!

  1. Get the DJ up to speed – make sure your DJ knows what the event is about

Once you have finalized who your corporate DJ will be; sit down and explain what the event is all about. Help them understand the background, purpose, theme, participants, and the significance of the event. The more they know the better they will customize the performance and coordinate the event effectively.

  1. Sync the setup – the DJ station should complement your venue setup

Your event is your “moment” – the time where all shines through to every guest. When the event is designed to wow the audience the DJ station should complement the venue. Make sure to tie up with the agency and DJ as to what you will provide and what they need to bring along.

  1. The right equipment – this can simply NOT be compromised

The worst to happen is outages, flickering lights, muffled sound, delays in music loading and interruptions. Guard against these! It is mandatory to ensure the corporate DJ is your resident engineer along with being the entertainer. The equipment must be exceptional – hazards that poor equipment carries are much too severe. SIFA Events houses state-of-the-art equipment; you are welcome to inquire and find out!

  1. Plan with the DJ – Make sure collaboration starts at the table

Your DJ is your partner for success on the day. Try not to surprise each other – as such get the agency onboard for pre-event meetings and share ideas. Be open to suggestions as well. This way you will know the people you are dealing with have experience and passion for perfection.

  1. Contract – a clear professional agreement will help both parties

The terms of the agreement should be drafted and agreed between the two parties. This is like every other business deal. Maximum details should be drafted and signed. Any potential insurance or protection against damages needs to be clarified. It is the right of both parties to agree on clauses important to both.

  1. Contingencies – make sure you know too

Anything might happen. Before the Murphy’s Law hits you – plan with the agency for contingencies and back-up plans. At SIFA we assure you with alternatives and solutions to problems that might surface. We house back up corporate DJs and equipment on-site.

  1. Reach out – ask what you are not sure about

If it the first time you are seeking out a corporate DJ or MC, be sure to ask questions. Clarify anything that worries or confuses you. Our representatives will take you through this process and make it an experience worth your investment.


SIFA Events provide the perfect solution to these celebrations in both the cities Sydney and Melbourne, where we offer customized programs led by DJs specializing in each type of a corporate event – be it a Cocktail party or Awards party – we have it all customized and a hundred percent covered. From Galas to Mc Happy Days – we do it all and not just as vendors but as part of your corporate family! Be sure of what you want and how you wish to take your event. A little pre-planning goes a long long way!

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