Arnold Schwarzenegger Visits SIFA Events


The Australian Fitness Festival for 2018 got underway at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre over the days of March 16, 17 and 18. SIFA Events was there to provide the music and as usual, lend that vibrant atmosphere to a show that has increased in popularity over the years. How many years? Well, it started in 1989, so if your math is is even average, you know that makes 30 years. It’s encouraging to see so many thousands of fit and healthy bodies wanting to learn more about keeping fit, healthy dieting, and generally keeping themselves in good condition. It was also very encouraging to see Arnold, himself, turn up to this event that has his name – The Arnold Sports Festival.

 Fitness, Technology, and Food

Because this is the largest sporting festival in Australia, covering a range of different fitness-oriented activities, companies use this opportunity to present and exhibit all the newest innovations and revolutionary improvements that have hit the marketplace or are about to, that help people keep fit, eat well, and monitor their progress. With about 60,000 attendees over the three-day festival, you can imagine how busy the exhibitors were. There were more than 40 different sporting activities and events staged and held with 10,000 competitors, amateur, and pro. Kind of H U G E !

 SIFA Events was there to keep the place rocking and provide DJ’ing for EHPLabs who were introducing a vegan-friendly protein superfood called ‘Blessed Protein’.Katya Elise Henry, Lauren Simpson, and Robbie Frame were doing the EHPLabs meets and greets and introduced visitors to the product and its benefits. SIFA Events was able to provide the best DJ for a festival of this calibre. Not all the technology was based on health and well-being monitoring. SIFA Events looked pretty hi-tech as well with a sound and best DJ system that provided thumping background music and loudspeaker presentations.

Checking…1, 2, 3 Sound Check, please

Hi tech means lots of cabling and an early start to set up the DJ booth. So early, in fact, that our Melbourne DJ was there on Thursday to do the work in conjunction with the Melbourne Exhibition Centre technical staff. Cables to the DJ stand, the speakers, and all the electronics takes a bit of time, then add a three hour sound check! Whew! In a place the size of the Exhibition Centre good acoustics was mega-important. By Friday it was ‘all systems go’ and ready for our three best event DJ’s who would be rocking the Fitness Festival Friday to Sunday.


On the First Day…

DJ SMILEY BANDIT, the event DJ,  arrived an hour before show time on Friday accompanied by Artist Manager Cara Taraborrelli. SIFA Events was there for EHPLabs, who had the most awesome two level stall, and our main priority was to make sure we got their show on the road and captured visitors right from the word ‘GO’. There is no one better than DJ SMILEY BANDIT, our electro/house expert, and corporate DJ to get the show grooving.

 Uh Oh!

Regardless of a three hour sound check, as Melbourne DJ started to wind up the music, there was that feedback screech coming through the system. Are you kidding me?! The SIFA Events crew went into damage control and eventually sorted out the problem. It was the AV feed. DJ SMILEY BANDIT has more talent than just spinning records, and he brought his not too shabby electrical engineering skills to the game and all sounded pretty sweet not too long after. SIFA Events set the mood for Friday in anticipation of the Saturday appearance of the Terminator himself – Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Saturday was all set for the arrival of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Anticipation and excitement brewed as Cara, the Artist Manager and DJ FIAL set things up to make sure they put on a great show. Being a fitness fanatic as well, DJ FIAL was certainly in her element as she made an impression with some smooth moves in conjunction with fitness models Katya Elise Henry, Robbie Frame and Lauren Simpson.

 Excitement Mounts

Not only was Arnold Schwarzenegger making an appearance, he was actually going to show at the EHPLabs booth first. There was a little disappointment because Arnold didn’t appear naked, in a flash of lightning and wind, as he did in the Terminator movie, but simply ‘muscled’ his way up to the booth to meet our corporate DJ and greet the rest of the crew.

If people were excited about that, imagine how DJ FIAL felt when Arnold did some more muscling and took over the SIFA Events mike to have a chat with the crowd below. While we all realise that Arnie was the Governor of California for a few years, and played in a few Terminator movies, his first claim to fame came from that body he had built over ears of hard work.


“I’ll be back” and a few other words from Arnie

Arnold Schwarzenegger spoke about the importance of staying fit and healthy and becoming involved in as many physical activities as you can. The trend these days is to be sedentary, play computer games, and become immersed in non-physical activities with devices. Look after your body and your mind will follow. DJ FIAL helped the words of wisdom from Arnold with some cheeky deck handling and clever MC’ing from this Melbourne DJ. There were about 10,000 athletes gathered below while Channels 7 and 10 captured the moments.

Day Three – or Judgement Day

DJ BENZ, our hire DJ, was our performer for Day three of the Arnold Fitness Classic, and as the two previous SIFA Events DJ’s had done a super job, DJ BENZ had a lot to live up to. One aspect of corporate DJ BENZ’s performances is that he is an expert at vinyl mixing. This DJ really knows how to create a buzz and twist some vinyl. It’s a lost art, true!


Give Away Heaven

The last day was all about the exhibitors loading their booths with free giveaways. And there’s nothing like a freebee to attract the crowds. Who doesn’t like to be given something cool for free? Artist Manager Cara had a bit of a wander around to see what sort of action was happening on the exhibition floor.

 Stalls were giving away free protein bars, t-shirts, shakes, yogurt and anything else to do with fitness and health and which carried a logo of the company. All great advertising. At the EHBLab stall, because of the SIFA Events DJ presence, the action was really pumping as they gave away protein meal replacement containers, clothing and drink mix sachets at various times throughout the day.

“I’ll be back.” Really!?

 Unexpectedly, but nevertheless welcome, Arnold Schwarzenegger turned up on day three. Just like he did in his Terminator movies, he was back. If you think the crowd went wild, imagine how DJ BENZ felt when Arnold stood right alongside him with Australian Sports Minister Bridget McKenzie. The floor below the event DJ booth was packed, all wanting to see Arnie up close. There was a crush on him and a crush on the floor as people were pressed up against the walls. Full house, indeed!

And what was Mr. Schwarzenegger’s fascination with the corporate DJ booth? Well, DJ BENZ was flipping vinyl, something you don’t see very often in the electronic age of DJ’ing. Arnold curled his sausage fingers around some of the records to see if it was all real! Our hire DJ’s are the best for any event.

The Wrap

The professionalism and popularity of SIFA Events DJ’s can be brought into your own show. Whether you’re looking for DJ Hire in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide or Brisbane, SIFA Events is able to set your celebration on fire. Corporate DJ hire to add a touch of class to any company event attracts customers and brownie points.A wedding DJ can make that special day just that – special. A party DJ Melbourne, a party DJ Sydney, these are two must-haves to give your function and event that extra bit of pizzazz. SIFA Events prides itself on the ability to make your event or party something to remember. Check us out online here to choose the right hire DJ for the event you have planned.

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